Legionella - Inspection, testing & cleaning
As most business premises have been closed for a considerable period through the Covid-19 outbreak the water systems and water storage has been stagnant for that period, this would allow a build of bacteria possibly leading to the development of Legionella within that system.
We are City & Guilds trained in offering the service of testing, inspection and cleaning.
Taps and tap diffusers, shower heads and hoses, cold water storage tanks, hot water cylinders and instant hot water tanks.
Taps and showerheads are tested and cleaned using OPC descaler and sanitiser.
Hot water cylinders are brought up to a temperature to kill any bacteria and flushed Cold water tanks are drained and flushed.
All in line with the EU Disinfection Test standard (1995) for Legionella Serogroup 1(NTCC 11192)